Launch Incoming...

Hello everyone! Our development process is swiftly coming to an end as the Florida Polytechnic University Game Expo rapidly approaches. While we still have some odds and ends to tie up, we're incredibly proud of the game that we've been able to make for you all!

This is our first time making a game with online multiplayer functionality, and we couldn't be more enthused to present it to you all! While it's been a struggle to keep all of our ducks in a row, we overcame the difficulty and complexity of networking in order to create a fun, friendly, and funny experience that we hope you all enjoy.

Overall, I think our favorite part of developing this game has been creating a fun, unique environment that brings the silliness of the characters into the world around them.

Here are a few more sneak peeks into what we've been doing:

Scene of the Crime


The Suspects

If you'd like to play our game in-person, and potentially want to vote our game for winner of the expo, you can find us at the Florida Polytechnic University Game Expo on April 20th, 2024! We definitely can't wait to see you all there! :D

~ Team Klepto-Claws

Get Klepto-Claws

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